Refresh your relationship with social media

Start trending

in your own life.

For people passionate about

personal growth,

mental health,

& self-esteem development

in the social media age.


Refresh your relationship with social media.

Together, we'll tap into a more peaceful, productive, confident version of you. No filter necessary.


Cozy up and check out the ReMe Blog! Confidence, identity, mental health, feminism, self-love…it’s all there and more!

Catch up on the ‘ReMe’ Podcast! We’re talking all things that exist in that sweet spot where social media and mental health meet.

Browse the Mental Health Directory! Your search for your perfect therapist just got that much easier.



Hey, beautiful!

I’m Shelby

Licensed Social Worker

Passionate Writer

& Mental Health Advocate

I was scrolling mindlessly through Instagram one day when a realization struck me: social media was making me feel like crap. Later, I mentioned to some friends how I felt while using certain apps: insecure, envious, anxious, & distracted. Their collective response was overwhelming; the striking consensus being that we all, at times, had felt negatively about ourselves as a result of our own social media habits. The more I researched, the more I was immersed in article after article about rising rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, all linked to social media use.

Frankly, I’d seen enough. It was heartbreaking to know that so many people were struggling to feel good about themselves while using platforms that are ironically meant to help us feel inspired and connected. So I created ReMe. This space will identify and encourage healthy social media habits, provide the tools necessary to deepen your self-esteem, and remind you (yes, you!) of your dynamic strengths, stunning beauty, & immense power.


Follow @helloreme on Instagram!