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. 2013 Sep;11(3):136-43.
doi: 10.1089/lrb.2013.0012. Epub 2013 Sep 11.

Lymphatic function and immune regulation in health and disease

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Lymphatic function and immune regulation in health and disease

Shan Liao et al. Lymphat Res Biol. .
Free PMC article
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FIG. 1.
Alterations to the lymphatic system in pathological conditions. (A) The normal lymphatic system consists of lymphatic capillaries that form lymph, collecting lymphatic vessels that transport lymph, and lymph nodes that organize immune responses. Each of these structures has its own unique microarchitecture that contributes to the maintenance of proper immune function. (B) During inflammation, lymphangiogenesis is seen in the lymphatic capillaries as well as in the local draining lymph node. Furthermore, a robust infiltrate of myeloid-derived cells accumulate around the collecting lymphatic vessels, which is correlated with suppression of lymphatic contractions and weakened immune response. (C) During tumor growth, lymphangiogenesis is also seen in the tumor periphery and surrounding tissue. Furthermore, robust lymphangiogenesis has been observed in the lymph node, along with architectural changes associated with creating an environment receptive to tumor metastases. The ability of tumors to alter collecting lymphatic vessel contraction is not known. (D) Little is known about the response of lymphatic vessels to microorganisms or viral infections. However, there is a strong clinical link between infectious disease and lymphedema. This area needs much greater scrutiny to identify new opportunities to treat infections that are difficult to clear.

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