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. 1976 Jul;259(1):213-21.
doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.1976.sp011462.

Regulation of cerebrospinal fluid potassium by the cat choroid plexus

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Regulation of cerebrospinal fluid potassium by the cat choroid plexus

R F Husted et al. J Physiol. .
Free PMC article


1. The regulation of cerebrospinal fluid (c.s.f.) potassium concentration was studied using the cat choroid plexus isolated in a chamber in situ. 2. Hyperkalaemia (plasma potassium concentration greater than 6 m-equiv/l.) caused relatively small increases in c.s.f. potassium concentration. 3. Alterations in c.s.f. potassium concentration (c.s.f. K = 0-15 or 6-56 m-equiv/l.) were countered by changes in potassium concentration of the produced fluid or in the rate of potassium transport which returned c.s.f. potassium towards normal. 4. The data indicate that potassium concentration in c.s.f. secreted by the choroid plexus is actively regulated by the plexus whether the primary alteration in potassium occurs in plasma or c.s.f.

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