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. 2013 Apr 1;23(2):208-11.
doi: 10.1684/ejd.2013.1969.

Influence of psoriasis on work

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Influence of psoriasis on work

Kalle Mattila et al. Eur J Dermatol. .
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Background: Previous research indicates that psoriasis has an impact on early retirement, sick leave days and reduced work performance.

Objectives: To evaluate the disadvantages at work caused by psoriasis.

Material and methods: The sample was based on patients visiting the dermatology outpatient clinic in Turku University Hospital. 262 returned a mailed questionnaire. The subjects were asked how many hours they were on a sick leave (absenteeism) and working while sick (presenteeism) due to psoriasis and other health reasons.

Results: Of the retired, 17.0% felt they were retired due to psoriasis. Those in the active work force reported on average 4.5 hours absenteeism and 8.3 hours of presenteeism due to psoriasis during the last 4 weeks. Psoriasis caused 27.0% of the total absenteeism and 39.0% of presenteeism. More than a quarter (28.9%) had been forced to modify their work due to psoriasis, most frequently to make the work less irritating for the skin.

Conclusion: Psoriasis has a negative effect on patients' work in many ways, causing early retirement from work, sick leave days, change of occupation and work modifications.

Keywords: absenteeism; presenteeism; psoriasis; work.

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