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. 2012 Sep;48(14):2125-36.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2012.02.009. Epub 2012 Mar 8.

Population attributable risk of aflatoxin-related liver cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

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Population attributable risk of aflatoxin-related liver cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

Yan Liu et al. Eur J Cancer. .
Free PMC article


Background: Over 4 billion people worldwide are exposed to dietary aflatoxins, which cause liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC) in humans. However, the population attributable risk (PAR) of aflatoxin-related HCC remains unclear.

Methods: In our systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies, summary odds ratios (ORs) of aflatoxin-related HCC with 95% confidence intervals were calculated in HBV+ and HBV- individuals, as well as the general population. We calculated the PAR of aflatoxin-related HCC for each study as well as the combined studies, accounting for HBV status.

Results: Seventeen studies with 1680 HCC cases and 3052 controls were identified from 479 articles. All eligible studies were conducted in China, Taiwan, or sub-Saharan Africa. The PAR of aflatoxin-related HCC was estimated at 17% (14-19%) overall, and higher in HBV+ (21%) than HBV- (8.8%) populations. If the one study that contributed most to heterogeneity in the analysis is excluded, the summarised OR of HCC with 95% CI is 73.0 (36.0-148.3) from the combined effects of aflatoxin and HBV, 11.3 (6.75-18.9) from HBV only and 6.37 (3.74-10.86) from aflatoxin only. The PAR of aflatoxin-related HCC increases to 23% (21-24%). The PAR has decreased over time in certain Taiwanese and Chinese populations.

Conclusions: In high exposure areas, aflatoxin multiplicatively interacts with HBV to induce HCC; reducing aflatoxin exposure to non-detectable levels could reduce HCC cases in high-risk areas by about 23%. The decreasing PAR of aflatoxin-related HCC reflects the benefits of public health interventions to reduce aflatoxin and HBV.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.


Figure 1
Selection of studies for inclusion in systematic review
Figure 2
Figure 2. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs for association between liver cancer and two risk factors (aflatoxin exposure and chronic HBV), independently and in combination
Squares and horizontal lines correspond to the study-specific OR and 95% CI; the box size is proportional to the meta-analysis study weight; diamonds represent summarized ORs. 2A: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and chronic HBV+ only, excluding Wu et al (30).2 B: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and aflatoxin exposure only, excluding Wu et al (30). 2C: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and the combination effects of two risk factors, excluding Wu et al (30).
Figure 2
Figure 2. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs for association between liver cancer and two risk factors (aflatoxin exposure and chronic HBV), independently and in combination
Squares and horizontal lines correspond to the study-specific OR and 95% CI; the box size is proportional to the meta-analysis study weight; diamonds represent summarized ORs. 2A: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and chronic HBV+ only, excluding Wu et al (30).2 B: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and aflatoxin exposure only, excluding Wu et al (30). 2C: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and the combination effects of two risk factors, excluding Wu et al (30).
Figure 2
Figure 2. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs for association between liver cancer and two risk factors (aflatoxin exposure and chronic HBV), independently and in combination
Squares and horizontal lines correspond to the study-specific OR and 95% CI; the box size is proportional to the meta-analysis study weight; diamonds represent summarized ORs. 2A: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and chronic HBV+ only, excluding Wu et al (30).2 B: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and aflatoxin exposure only, excluding Wu et al (30). 2C: ORs with 95% CI for association between liver cancer and the combination effects of two risk factors, excluding Wu et al (30).
Figure 3. Funnel plot to assess possible publication or other selection bias for the association between aflatoxin exposure and liver cancer risk in general population
No statistically significant asymmetry was found. Each circle represents 1 study. 10 studies (, , , , –24, 27, 28, 30) are eligible for this plot. 7 studies not included (5 only studied the association in HBsAg+ individuals, and 2 are duplicate studies included in meta-analysis for different data extraction purpose, as explained in the Methods section).

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