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. 2011 Dec 1;34(12):1659-70.
doi: 10.5665/sleep.1430.

Habitual short sleep impacts frontal switch mechanism in attention to novelty

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Habitual short sleep impacts frontal switch mechanism in attention to novelty

Valentina Gumenyuk et al. Sleep. .
Free PMC article


Study objectives: Reduced time in bed relative to biological sleep need is common. The impact of habitual short sleep on auditory attention has not been studied to date. In the current study, we utilized novelty oddball tasks to evaluate the effect of habitual short sleep on brain function underlying attention control processes measured by the mismatch negativity (MMN, index of pre-attentive stage), P3a (attention-dependent), and P3b (memory-dependent) event related brain potentials (ERPs). An extended time in bed in a separate study was used to evaluate the possible reversal of the impairments of these processes in habitual short sleepers.

Methods: Ten self-defined short sleepers (total sleep time [TST] ≤ 6 h) and 9 normal-sleeping subjects with TST 7-8 h, participated. ERPs were recorded via a 64-channel EEG system. Two test conditions: "ignore" and "attend" were implemented. The ERPs were analyzed and compared between groups on the 2 task conditions and frontal/central/parietal electrodes by 3-factor ANOVA. Sleep diary data were compared between groups by t-test. Sleep was recorded by the Zeo sleep monitoring system for a week in both habitual and extended sleep conditions at home.

Results: The main findings of the present study show that short sleeping individuals had deficiency in activity of the MMN and P3a brain responses over frontal areas compared to normal-sleeping subjects. The P3b amplitude was increased over frontal areas and decreased over parietal with respect to the control group. Extension of time in bed for one week increased TST (from 5.7 h to 7.4 h), and concomitantly MMN amplitude increased from -0.1 μV up to -1.25 μV over frontal areas.

Conclusions: Reduced time in bed is associated with deficiency of the neuronal process associated with change detection, which may recover after one week of sleep extension, whereas attention-dependent neural processes do not normalize after this period of time in habitually short sleeping individuals and may require longer recovery periods.

Keywords: ERPs; Short sleep; attention; memory; sleep extension.


Figure 1
Group average ERP - difference waveforms (ERPs to novel sounds minus ERPs to standard tone) obtained from normal sleeping and short sleeping individuals in “ignore” and “attend” tasks. The gray bar indicates the latency time window for analyzed mean amplitude of the MMN, P3a, and P3b components with significant differences between groups (for details see results). The schematic illustration of the head with positions of frontal (F3, Fz, and F4), central (C3, Cz and C4), and parietal (P3, Pz, and P4) electrodes selected for statistical evaluation is on the bottom of the figure.
Figure 2
Group average ERP-difference waveforms obtained from short sleeping subjects after habitual sleep and extended sleep for ignore and attended tasks. The gray bar is indicating significant differences between sleep conditions for the MMN component (for details see results).
Figure 3
Graph for 3-way interactions (sleep conditions × task × frontality) illustrating reduction of the MMN amplitude in “attend” task over frontal electrodes after short sleep with respect to extended sleep in habitually short sleeping individuals. Note this difference between tasks was minimal over central electrodes.
Figure 4
Illustration of recovery of the MMN amplitude after sleep extension in habitually short sleeping individuals with respect to normally sleeping subjects.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Topographic scalp distribution of brain potentials associated with the MMN and P3a in ignore and the MMN, P3a, and P3b in attend tasks. The time latencies are corresponding to each ERP component recorded from normal sleeping individuals (n = 9) as compared to short sleeping participants (n = 10) after habitual vs. extended sleep. The open circles on the maps indicate the electrodes selected for comparison of the brain responses and statistical evaluation.

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