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Table 2

Enamel and root surface lesion depths following exposure to select beverages.

Lesion Depth (μm) Beverage

100% Apple Juice Coke® Diet Coke® Gatorade® Red Bull®
Enamel 57 ± 6a,1 92 ± 62 61 ± 41 131 ± 83 100 ± 52
Root 77 ± 3a,1 101 ± 32 66 ± 23 118 ± 54 111 ± 45
Enamel vs. Root, P -value 0.001b 0.040b 0.074b 0.035b 0.012b

Windows in enamel or root surfaces were exposed to beverages for 25 hours with beverages replaced every 5 hours. Teeth were sectioned following beverage exposure and lesion depths were measured.

aValues are means ± SD. Within group comparisons; means within a row with different superscript numbers are significantly different. Statistical test was one-way analyses of variance with post-hoc Tukey’s studentized range (HSD) test; P < 0.05.
bBetween group comparisons; P -values for enamel vs. root lesion depth comparisons using the two-sample t-test.