What you will need for this easy homemade mayonnaise:


  1. Combine the egg yolk, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard and salt in a food processor or bowl.
  2. Mix until blended and bright yellow.
  3. Use the drip function on the food processor to slowly add the olive oil while the processor is mixing or add 1/4 tsp. at a time while whisking by hand.
  4. Slowly add the bacon fat (you may have to warm it  in order to pour it in) in the same way as the olive oil.
  5. Mix until you get the consistency you want – it will not be as solidified as store-bought mayo, but it will be spreadable once it spends some time in the fridge.
  6. Enjoy!


Want to transition to paleo?  Read my eBook Paleo Made Easy. It contains practical advice for busy families, shopping tips, answers to pretty much every paleo lifestyle question, and 45+ family-friendly paleo recipes.  Get it here


close up of a bowl of mayonnaise and ingredients

 What would you use baconnaise for?

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Sylvie McCracken is a former celebrity assistant in Hollywood turned full time entrepreneur currently living in Ashland, Oregon with her husband and 3 kids. She writes about treating and preventing health conditions with real food and natural remedies, as well as anything else she feels like writing about because she's a rebel like that. 😉 She also mentors entrepreneurs on her other site, SylvieMcCracken.com