Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support
46,434 members47,817 posts
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What are your thoughts, and feelings on being in love🙏

Hey to all of my wonderful great people out there i truly hope, that you guys ar...

Are you more in a better mood, at home, or out i public, please explain why🙏

Hey to all of my wonderful great people out there i truly hope that you guys are...

My unexplained ghost story part3, and whats your creepy storie🙏

Hey to all of my wonderful great people out there, i truly hope that you guys ar...

What is it?

I think it's time to bring this back. Enjoy! A few new guidelines: Guess as many...

Closing the day

Just before going to sleep I would like to know, how is everyone doing??? How wa...
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About us

This community is a safe space for those affected by anxiety and depression to talk to others who truly unders... Read more

Free e-newsletter!

Triumph is a free monthly e-newsletter for people interested in learning about anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and related illnesses in order to make informed choices about getting help.