Certificate of compliance

Healthcare Website Networks

is in compliance with the HONcode

12 Years

Certificate validity: valid until Jan 2021

www.goosexx.com Visit website

HONcode identification number:


Date of initial review:

14 Nov 2007

Certificate validity:

valid until Jan 2021

Date of last visit:

28 Jul 2020

Content identified by the HONcode team

The content below is a sample of the content identified at a specific date by the HONcode team that justifies the respect of the eight ethical principles.


(25 Jan 2020) - Link

Disclaimer statement on footer of site

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

Privacy Policy

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

The data displayed correspond to only one of the selected samples.


(25 Jan 2020) - Link

Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD on March 25, 2019 New — Written by Jason Brick

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

This principle is not applicable to this site 


(25 Jan 2020) - Link

Healthcare Website receives funding from advertisements, sponsored content, and other partnerships, such as affiliate programs. The reality is that funding from our advertisers allows us to cover more conditions and provide more powerful experiences, including video, animations, and input from a range of experts. Be assured that we’re absolutely inflexible about our editorial autonomy. Other than input about broad topic areas, we never allow sponsors to influence the content we create.

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

In every instance, we maintain a distinct separation between advertisements and editorial content. All ads on Healthcare Website.com are clearly and unambiguously identified as such. Clicking on an ad will take the user to an advertiser’s site or to a sponsor’s resource center on Healthcare Website.com. Sponsored resource centers are labeled as such, with the name of the sponsoring entity displayed.

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

Be assured that we’re absolutely inflexible about our editorial autonomy. Other than input about broad topic areas, we never allow sponsors to influence the content we create.

(25 Jan 2020) - Link

The content of this certificate has been collected by the HON Foundation and may not be used without HON's express consent.

The HONcode's significance

The Health On the Net (HON) certificate guarantees that this website complies with the eight principles of the HON Foundation's Code of Conduct at the date indicated above. The persons responsible for the site commit to maintaining its compliance with the HONcode principles for the duration of the site's certification.

However, despite the complaint system that has been put in place and the periodic review and automatic monitoring of certified sites to ensure maximum compliance with the HONcode ethical principles, it is impossible to eliminate all risks of incoherence that may appear.

Under no circumstances shall the HON Foundation and/or its partner(s) be held liable for any damages resulting from the use or the inability to use HONcode-certified websites. Similarly, the HON Foundation and/or its partner(s) shall not be held liable for the content of such certified websites or any other website accessible via a hypertext link or through third-party information.

Those responsible for the certified website are responsible for the content of the website unless otherwise provided by law.

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